Title: |
Status: |
Expired |
Agency: |
Date: |
9/14/2021 8:00:00 AM |
Due Date: |
9/30/2021 1:30 PM EST |
Contact: |
Chad Thompson @ 413-565-4185, cthompson@longmeadow.org |
Description: |
The Town of Longmeadow, MA, is accepting bids for winter salt, minimum sodium chloride (NaC1) Content of 95% winter salt. Bid documents may be accessed from the Town of Longmeadow Purchasing Department, Attn: Chad Thompson- Procurement Manager, 735 Longmeadow Street, Suite 101, Longmeadow, MA 01106 (Phone: 413-565-4185, cthompson@longmeadow.org) . Bid documents can also be obtained online at no charge through www.longmeadow.org , select ‘Government’ from the toolbar, then ‘Purchasing’, then select ‘Bids & RFPs’, the ‘Bid & RFP Finder’ to access the documents. Bidders are encouraged to register with the Purchasing Department, those that do not register with the Purchasing Department will be responsible for monitoring the website for updates and addenda. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of addenda may result in a bid rejection.
Sealed bids should be delivered to the Longmeadow Purchasing Department, and will be accepted until the bid deadline of 1:30pm on Thursday, September 30, 2021. The outside of the bid submission envelope should be labeled with the bid title name: ‘IFB: WINTER SALT’ and complete contact information of the bidder. Late bids will be rejected. A remote public bid opening will be facilitated through zoom.com only beginning at 2:00pm on the same day as the bid deadline. Access to the zoom bid opening will be supplied with the bid document. The contract shall be for one year and will be procured under MGL 30B. No bid deposit is required. The Town of Longmeadow acting through the Town Manager, the Awarding Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive minor informalities and to award the contract in the best interest of the Town. |
Documents: |
Submission: |
: Bids received are being evaluated for award decision. Below are the bid results:
Eastern Minerals, Inc., Lowell, MA = $72.27/ton LOW BID
Morton Salt, Inc., Chicago, IL = $80.59/ton
American Rock Salt, Mt. Morris, NY = $88.25/ton
Cargill, North Olmsted, OH = No bid, bid submission. : AWARD = EASTERN MINERALS, INC.