Town of Smithfield Bidding Opportunities
Solicitation Center

Solicitation:  RFP-21-003
Title: 2020-2021 Street Resurfacing Project
Status: Expired
Purchase Agency: Town of Smithfield
Publish Date: 5/5/2021 9:00:00 AM
Due Date: 5/19/2021 9:00 AM EST
Contact: Lawrence Davis @ 919-934-2580,
Description: Pursuant NC General Statute143-129, sealed bids shall be accepted by the Town of Smithfield, Smithfield, North Carolina until and no later than 9:00 AM, Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at which time bids shall be opened for the review and subsequent purchase consideration of the following services specified below:


Bid documents and specifications are available to prospective bidders by contacting Lawrence Davis at 919-934-2580, or via the Town’s website (under the public notices section. The Town of Smithfield reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Documents: Advertisment-2020-2021_Street_Resurfacing.pdf, 2020-2021_Street_Resurfacing_Project-BidPacket.pdf, 2020-2021_Street_Resurface_ADDENDUM1-2.pdf
Bid Submission:

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