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Solicitation Center

Solicitation:  ICECreamCNS1718
Title: IceCreamCNS
Status: Awarded
Purchase Agency: Rockwood School District
Publish Date: 4/24/2017 2:30:00 PM
Due Date: 5/23/2017 10:00 AM CST
Contact: William Sloan @ 636.733.2032, sloanwilliam@rsdmo.org
Description: Annual bid for Ice Cream products. Bids to be submitted through NutriKids. See bid documents for actual items.

Contract period is July 1,2018 through June 30, 2019.
See all bid documents attached.
Documents: IceCreamBid2017-18.pdf, 2017-2018BidLetterandTerms&Conditions.pdf, DistrictMap.pdf, IceCreamItems2017-18.pdf
Bid Submission:

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