FindRFP is proud to offer a free distribution solution to all government agencies
interested in posting their bids directly to our extensive database. Our
customizable e-purchasing platform will allow you to efficiently distribute your
proposals to our thousands of interested vendors. Our e-Purchasing system has
proven to be an irreplaceable asset for government agencies and has helped to
save agencies thousands of dollars via direct contact and heightened
competition. The system is user-friendly and our support staff is always on hand
to assist in any technical issues.
Why use FindRFP’s e-Purchasing Solution?
Save Time & Money: As a free platform, FindRFP’s e-Purchasing solution can
greatly reduce overhead distribution costs associated with dissemination of your
proposals i.e. marketing, advertising and the like.
Wider Distribution: As one of the pioneers in government bid notification
services, FindRFP continues to be a reliable and trusted source for thousands of
vendors every day. Your bids will reach thousands of potential suppliers, thus
driving up competition and lowering prices for you!
Easy to Use: Our e-Purchasing platform requires no additional software and
minimal set-up time to complete. You can simply login and start uploading your
information. Our teams of specialists are standing by should any problems arise!
Increase Efficiency: Our e-Purchasing service will automate and streamline
the entire bidding process for you and your agency. From choosing when to post
your bids to selecting what information and documents you wish to provide to
vendors, you will be in full control of what information to disseminate through
How e-Purchasing Works With FindRFP:
Create a new account and vendor login: HERE
Upload and post a bid to your ‘Solicitation Center"
Customize your agency’s Solicitation Center
Track your solicitation activities from bid opening to submission process to
Access and manage your user-friendly vendor database online
Evaluate vendor bid submissions efficiently
Conduct online reverse auctions
Want to see how your RFP will appear to your vendors? Click the icons below to
see examples. You can customize the appearance to suit your needs.
View Sample RFP Home Page
View Sample RFP Detail Page
We hope your agency will consider FindRFP’s e-Purchasing program in the future.
Our support team is ready to help you set up your account and make the bidding
process as painless as possible! To sign up, please visit our registration page
and feel free to contact us with any further questions.