Jackson County, FL - Purchasing
Solicitation Center

Solicitation:  2122-03
Title: Design/Build of Eastshore Park Trail Expansion
Status: Expired
Purchase Agency: County of Jackson
Publish Date: 11/18/2021 7:30:00 AM
Due Date: 12/2/2021 2:00 PM CST
Contact: Nicole Bradley @ (850) 482-9633, bradleyn@jacksoncountyfl.gov
Description: The County is soliciting proposals from qualified firms that can provide design-build services to develop a multi-Use trail system at Eastshore Park, located in Marianna, FL. The trail system shall feature trails optimized for mountain biking and hiking. The awarded firm shall review the preliminary trail design and adjust where appropriate to develop an environmentally conscious mountain biking and hiking trail system. The trail system shall be constructed with the intent of mitigating erosion, lessening environmental impacts, and increasing the user experience. The awarded contractor is expected to used best practices and follow the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) guidelines.
Documents: 2122-03EastshoreParkTrailExpansionITB.doc, 2122-03EastshoreParkTrailExpansionBidDocs1.pdf
Bid Submission: MUST BE SEALED BID delivered to Jackson County Purchasing Department at 2864 Madison Street, Marianna, Florida 32448. DEADLINE: Thursday, December 2, 2021 by 2:00PM CST
Addendum: 11/29/2021: ADDENDUM 1 - RFI RESPONSE 2122-03Addendum1-RFI.docx

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