Jackson County, FL - Purchasing
Solicitation Center

Solicitation:  2021-ENG-012
Title: CEI Services for Sweet Pond Road Paving - Phase 1
Status: Expired
Purchase Agency: County of Jackson
Publish Date: 8/5/2021 8:00:00 AM
Due Date: 9/7/2021 2:00 PM CST
Contact: Nicole Bradley @ (850) 482-9633, bradleyn@jacksoncountyfl.gov
Description: The Jackson County Board of County Commissioners is requesting Letters of Interest and Statements of Qualifications from registered, qualified consultant firms in the State of Florida with experience in Construction and Engineering Inspection Services on Paved Roads for projects involving Federal Emergency Managements and State of Florida reporting requirements, and inspection on projects involving paving and improvements of the following road(s): Sweet Pond Road

The section of roadway is 10,600 LF and 22 FT wide. The construction consists of placing Hot Mix Asphalt onto base prepared by the County and installation of permanent painted pavement markings beginning at SR 69 and ending at Green Rd.

The consultant will provide inspectors to monitor the work to ensure that the performed according to the plans and specifications and to FDOT Standards and acceptable condition in support of the Jackson County Road Department. The inspectors will submit daily reports each day, and a weekly summary of work complete including pictures of the work as it is performed. Further specifications for this RFQ and the related construction project can be accessed using the Solicitation Center link found at www.jacksoncountyfl.gov/services/purchasing.
Documents: 2021-ENG-012SweetPondRoadPaving.docx, 2021-ENG-012CEIServicesSweetPondPhase1RFQDocs.docx.pdf
Bid Submission: Deadline: September 7, 2021 TIME: 2:00 pm, CST. Bid Opening: September 7, 2021 TIME: 2:00 pm, CST. Submit SEALED BID identified by the NAME OF THE FIRM, NAME AND NUMBER OF THE BID, ALONG WITH THE DATE AND TIME OF OPENING.
Addendum: 8/9/2021: ADDENDUM 1 - PROJECT DAYS 2021-ENG-012Addendum1.pdf

8/26/2021: ADDENDUM 2 - CHANGE IN DEADLINE 2021-ENG-012Addendum2.pdf

This solicitation center is courtesy of Find RFP which maintains a nationwide database of all Bids and RFP's. If you'd like to learn more about Find RFP and its services, please visit our website at www.findrfp.com