Jackson County, FL - Purchasing
Solicitation Center

Solicitation:  1920-30
Title: Endeavor Site Redevelopment - Phase 1: Demolition
Status: Expired
Purchase Agency: County of Jackson
Publish Date: 7/16/2020
Due Date: 8/25/2020 1:00 PM CST
Contact: Traci Taylor@ (850) 718-0005, taylort@jacksoncountyfl.gov
Description: The work includes demolition, removal and proper disposal of 48 buildings, other structures, four fuel tanks, utilities, fencing and debris at the Endeavor Redevelopment Site (formerly Dozier School). Five buildings will be partially demolished including removal of electrical, lighting, ceiling tiles and HVAC. The work also includes proper plugging and abandonment of two water wells located on the property. Approximately 107,000 sq. ft. of total building floor area is required to be demolished. The entire 125-acre site will be cleaned of all debris and mowed.
Documents: 1920-30-EndeavorSiteRedevelopment.Phase1.Demolition.ITB.pdf, Information.for.Bidders_7.23.20.pdf, Addendum1.withAcknowlegementReceipt.pdf, Info.ForBidders_8.19.20_Signed.pdf
Bid Submission: Sends Manually DATE: Deadline: 08/25/2020 TIME: 1:00 pm, CST. Bid Opening: 08/25/2020 at 1:00 pm, CST. Submit SEALED BID identified by the NAME OF THE FIRM, NAME AND NUMBER OF THE BID, ALONG WITH THE DATE AND TI7ME OF OPENING

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